Greenbelt and reforestation project

Greenbelt and reforestation project

To counter ecological changes and to work responsibly with the environment, the Greenbelt in Guabuliga has been developed in cooperation with the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Ghana expert Univ.Ass. Mag. Arch. Baerbel Müller and her team). Strategically trees were planted around the dry riverbed. These provide protection against heavy storms in the dry season, provide the villagers, for example, with mangoes or cashews and offer shady places for market events. The Greenbelt project creates an ecological awareness, and schoolchildren are also actively learning that improving their own living environment enhances the quality of life.

Dr. Christian Car from Vienna, our gardening, greenbelt and natural space expert, wrote his award-winning dissertation “Guabuliga – Freiräume des Alltags”, which describes the Greenbelt project to create new open spaces. This is four years of scholarly research documented on 368 pages. The book is available in German or English for € 48.80 and can be ordered at

>> here you find more information about the dissertation