On the 2nd of December, our new training started at the Training Centre in Guabuliga. Sixteen (16) motivated attendees gathered Monday morning in the Training Centre to get trained in bee keeping. The training was carried out by Mr. Rashid, who travelled from Tamale to Guabuliga and who is works with a successful organic honey farm called “DESTINY HONEY BEE FARM”.
Throughout the four-days-long intensive training, he explained all the necessary theory around beekeeping to the participants. He talked about the history of bee keeping, the advantages and important aspects to keep in mind when working with bee hives to ensure successful harvesting. Besides the theory, he trained them practically in installing bee hives. BRAVEAURORA provided the trainees with the necessary materials and in groups of two to three, the attendees got their own hives to produce honey with.

Bee keeping has many positive effects on rural communities. Besides the income creating aspect it is a way of producing very healthy and nutritious sweetener for food in the form of honey but also other products like pomade, wax and yoghurt. Therefore it has shown very positive impacts on community health and through the process of pollination, bees also help to increase crop yields. Furthermore, bee keeping is quite easy and not much is needed to earn this very valuable natural resource. With this training BRAVEAURORA continues to follow it’s vision to improve livelihoods whilst also promoting environmental protection.
In total, eight bee hives were installed in Guabuliga on the 4th of December at several places for now. The trainer assisted the participants to find the best place for their bee hive and showed them what is important when installing it. The selected places are for example under big mango trees, where the bees are protected from the sun and have enough food. Before the bee hives could be installed, they needed to be smoked out and lemon grass and bee wax was applied onto the hives, which is supposed to attract the bees. And really to the surprise and fascination of all the participants’ bees were already examining their new homes about twenty minutes after the hives were set up.

Now the foundation is set and if everything goes well, the first honey of Guabuliga’s honeybees can be harvested in three months. We are very much anticipating this moment. In the meanwhile BRAVEAURORA in collaboration with the trainer Mr. Rashid will offer further monitoring and assistance to ensure a successful process.