- UNICEF Ghana
- Department of Social Welfare (DSW)
- Ghana Education Service
- Plan International
- Transform Alliance Africa
- Vibrant Village Foundation
- Global Giving
- Girls Not Brides
- Orphan Myth
- Better Care Network
- Global Shea Alliance
- Art-Seven
- Deeper Travel
- WeltWegWeiser
- Global Social Dialouge (GSD)
- Gute Taten schaffen Helden
- National Commission on Civic Education
- Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit
- Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice
- The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
- Civil Society Organisations Platform on SDGS
- Northern Network for Education Development
- National Vocational Training Institute
We would like to sincerely thank our external experts for their expertise, who are available to us voluntarily and free of charge!
Mag.arch. Bärbel Müller, Architect + BRAVEAURORA construction manager in Guabuliga
Students of [a]FA _ [applied] foreign affairs, University of Applied Arts Vienna [applied] Foreign Affairs
Clemens Strobl and Lukas Binder and the teams of Stroblbinder, Strobl)Advertising Group and
Gabriel Unterholzer, software developer
Rosa Hofstätter and Sabine Eggertsberger, auditors
Mag. Veronika Auer, tax consultant
Fritz Radinger, Media & PR