90% of the people in Guabuliga are dependent on agriculture (for their own use). The conditions are sometimes very hard due to the change of the rainy and dry seasons. The dry season is getting longer due to global climatic changes and there are always months when people cannot work. Without income poverty and hunger increases.
With the BRAVEAURORA training center in Guabuliga new economic branches are opened and ideas besides agriculture are triggered to escape the poverty. The main objective of the center is to strengthen village entrepreneurship and to make a significant contribution to the sustainable improvement of the economic and social situation in Guabuliga and the surrounding area.
The village population is intensively involved in every phase of the project. Depending on the needs and challenges of the people, ideas for different courses and trainings are developed and implemented together. The training center of BRAVEAURORA offers the job trainings for becoming a weaver, carpenter, baker, hairdresser, manufacturer of care products but also other courses.